An intelligent model of symmetric key encryption and decryption applied to south Indian language: Kannada


    Vivekananda, K C Ravishankar


    Context-Dependent Encryption Key, Text feature-based cryptography, Indic Language Processing, Syllabic Annotation of Kannada Letters, Context Free Grammar.


    Alphasyllabic language text is represented in computers using Unicode format. The ASCII character text processing cryptographic models require converting the Unicode text into ASCII byte streams. Also, most cryptographic models have encryption keys supplied externally. The same key encrypts all the plain text symbols. These methods may be susceptible to frequency analysis to break encryption. The present article proposes a language processing-based symmetric cryptographic model. This model is capable of processing Unicode text without intermediate byte conversions. The encryption key generation is driven by extracting the features of the letters in plain text. This article proposes an attribute annotation process with the help of a syntax-directed translation scheme. The extracted and annotated features would contribute to generating an

    encryption key set. The proposed model uses a context-sensitive encryption key. This paper explores the capabilities of alphasyllabic language processing to guide cryptographic applications. The proposed algorithm takes Kannada textual data for processing.


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