Path Planning Algorithm Development using Configuration Space Obstacles & Equidistant Paths using AI & ML


    Sachin R Jadhave, Mayura Shelke, Dr. Jagdisha N, Dr Prashanta G. R


    CSO, Obstacle, Object, Robot, Mid Path, Sensor, Collision, Avoidance, Vertex, Edge.


    In this research paper, the design & development of the shortest path along with obstacle avoidance (shortest path with obstacle collision free path with avoidance) is presented using the novel approach of what is called as the configuration space method and the Equidistant Path (EP) is carried out using AI & ML concepts. The developed models are used to construct the algorithms which could be used for simulation of the path planning problem as here we are concentrating only on the gross motion planning & not on the fine motion planning schemes. Simulations are performed using the C++ language and the results are observed and compared with the work done by others to substantiate the proposed work so that the effectivity of the proposed algorithms are met. Finally, conclusions are presented at the end of the paper.


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